Managing Your Mistakes

Humans were made to mess up. Inevitably, things will eventually go wrong. It is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes. How we manage our mistakes after they occur determines whether we have learned a lesson at the end of the day. 

Mistakes can occur personally, financially, career-wise, and especially in relationships. A simple mistake such as spilling your coffee can sometimes ruin a person’s whole day. It is important to not beat yourself up over past mistakes, but to take it, and learn from it. 

I recently worked at the Customer Service Desk and accepted a phone call about Western Union. Spoiler Alert: You should refrain from discussing anything about Western Union on the phone. The lady I was speaking with was a “secret shopper”, meaning she was calling to see if I would mess up. I had just finished all of my money services CBT’s and felt excited when she asked me a question that I knew the answer to. When her tone of voice changed, I immediately knew that I had messed up. 

I had to transfer the call to my manager and await his response. I immediately shut down and beat myself up about what had happened. I had just learned this stuff! Thankfully, my managers were extremely understanding. I had only worked the desk a few times. After this, I was determined to get all things money-service-wise absolutely 100% correct. 

I messed up, took responsibility for my mistake, and learned from it. Now, whenever I pick up the phone at work, I am more confident in my answers.  Use your experience as a room for growth! Don’t dwell on the past and be confident!


Dr. P’s Secret to Notetaking